Evaluation Question 3
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I believe the best ways for us to distribute our movie is by cinema's DVD's, and via iTunes store. This is because these three get good attention and press.

DVD's are a good means of distributing the product because most people own a device that is DVD supported, even if people don't have a DVD player DVD's are also supported on some gaming consoles such as PS4 and XBOX. DVD's give everyone a permeant copy for as it is a hardware version. The reason why we may use DVD's is because its the cheapest option and easy to produce on to a disc, simply the movie is burnt onto the disk, this costs little to produce so therefore the profit we can make is rather large. The bad thing about this is due to being in the 21st century most things nowadays are done online therefore DVD's are soon to be redundant as nobody will use them and they take a longer time to manufacturer than simply putting a file online and therefore these aren't as useful. As the viewer has to go out of there will to buy the film this meaning they not bother as not as many DVD's are produced nowadays due to this. Apparent from DVD there is Blu-ray which is a very similar concept but it is of a much higher quality in terms of resolution and frame rate, the quality is much crisper and clearer, the movie flows much better, blu-ray is in terms a higher quality DVD, that makes it also more expensive for customers to purchase, but you get what you pay for and thats extra features and better quality. Who doesn't love high quality films of you're a movie fanatic.
We may want cinemas is because this is the best way to get our film broadcasted in terms of many people knowing about it as it will be decently advertised. so therefore more people will have heard about it and if it able to make the big screen then many people are going to go see it this is because big cinema chains and companies only play films they believe will generate most amount of income and know they will be hyped u and get a big audience. With cinemas for us to make the big chain companies such as VUE, Odeon and Cineworld IMAX they would only invest their time into big production companies like Universal, Paramount and Walt Disney, Dreamwork's etc. these are all top film production companies that produce the block buster films. This is because they will have the most amount of money invested in them and would have a lot of time to produce them. These big companies have a huge budget and the top facilities and a great cast of his profile actors, these actors can effectively make the movie for the company as the draw of the actor makes people want to see the movie even more. So if we finish our film if we didn't have a large production company to develop it then it most likely wouldn't be shown in the cinemas so therefore we would need a smaller production company like Film 4 to take on our film as we would have a greater chance to have this size of production company invest in us then Universal. These are all important if we were to distribute our film by using cinema's.
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